Central Geophysical Observatory


Central Geophysical Observatory (CGO) - research and observation institution, founded in 1855 as the Meteorological Observatory at Kiev University of St. Vladimir. CGO is the main hydro-meteorological organisation for meteorological, heliogeophysical, aerological, hydrological observations and observations of chemical and radioactive contamination of the environment.

CGO is the most extensive functional methodical organization of Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine, which manages its entire observation network (except aviation, agrometeorological, lakes and sea). According to Art. 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On hydrometeorological activity" Observatory ranks high in the hierarchy of hydro-meteorological network management state after state authority, which implements policies meteorology. By branching functions it is unique in Europe.

Director - Alexander Kosovets

Adress: Ukraine, 03028, Kyiv-28, Nauky ave., 39, building 2
Tel.:  +38 (044) 525-94-58
E-mail: aupcgo@meteo.gov.ua
Web: http://cgo-sreznevskyi.kiev.ua/